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Le Pen Afd

Le Pen and Meloni Strengthen Ties, Distance Themselves from AfD

Overtures Between French and Italian Far-Right Parties

The French far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, has made it clear that her party is distancing itself from its far-right past and appealing to mainstream voters. This is evident in her recent moves to strengthen ties with the Italian far-right party led by Giorgia Meloni, while distancing herself from the German far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Le Pen's Strained Ties with AfD

Le Pen's strained ties with the AfD stem from a controversy surrounding a re-migration plan proposed by the German party. The plan, which drew comparisons to Nazi resettlement policies, was publicly criticized by Le Pen and her party.

Le Pen's decision to distance herself from the AfD reflects her party's desire to avoid being associated with extreme right-wing ideologies. By drawing clear lines between herself and the AfD, Le Pen is attempting to position her party as more moderate and acceptable to a wider range of voters.

Strengthening Ties with Meloni's Party

In contrast to her distancing from the AfD, Le Pen has been actively seeking to strengthen ties with Meloni's party, Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy). Meloni, who is a populist and nationalist, is seen as a rising star in the European far-right. Le Pen's overtures to Meloni are part of her strategy to build a broader coalition of far-right parties across Europe.

The strengthening of ties between Le Pen's party and Meloni's party is a significant development in the European political landscape. It suggests that the far-right is becoming more organized and united, with the potential to influence elections and policy-making in the years to come.
